Buying in Joint Names ~ Neomoney

Buying in Joint Names or Tenants In Common, what’s the Difference?

When buying a property, buying in joint names means that the property is owned jointly by all parties, while buying as tenants in common means that each party owns a specific share of the property.

Discover the rising trend of property buyers, including first-time homebuyers, repeat buyers, and investors, who are opting for co-ownership arrangements such as Joint Names or Tenants In Common. By pooling their deposits, finances, and resources with trusted individuals or compatible business structures, these buyers gain the advantage of entering the property market sooner and obtaining a higher quality or more valuable property. Whether it’s joining forces with friends, family, or de facto partners, co-purchasing opens doors to homeownership that might otherwise be out of reach, such as larger properties or avoiding settling for a small apartment.

However, if you choose this co-purchaser option you may need to consider the following:

  • Choose your co-owner or co-purchaser carefully.
  • Are they financially stable and trustworthy?
  • Can you live with this person or persons?
  • Are you all agreeable in signing a legal co-ownership agreement.
  • Are you agreeable to establish a joint banking account for expenses.

Buying Property With Family, Friends or a Group Shared Ownership

Read more on our eJournal on Co-Ownership and Borrowing. 

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Benefits of Buying Property in Joint Names.

Further to the above paragraph, the benefits of buying or purchasing a property in joint names, are;

  • To purchase a higher-priced property than on a single income.
  • To share your partners deposit whereas you may not have enough deposit.
  • Your single income is not enough to service the loan.
  • To share resources with other partner to build equity to invest in more properties.
  • To increase your borrowing capacity to purchase a bigger or better quality property.
  • All property expenses are shared between co-owners.

Benefits of Buying Property in Tenants In Common.

Similar to purchasing a property in joint names, the benefits are the same as above, are:

  • To give a more flexibility form of property ownership.
  • To divide the equity share to the deposit contributed.
  • To allow shareholders to purchase unequal shares in a property.
  • To invest in a property with a small equity percentage in an investment.

Do we Register a Property as Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common?

It is important to understand that these co-purchase options have different legal ramifications for each purchaser and borrower against the loan.

  • Joint Tenants ~ the property is in the names of two or more persons, where all persons have an equal interest in the whole property. When one person dies the property passes to the survivor(s).  They are known as Joint Tenants or Joint Proprietors of that property. A Joint owned property cannot be sold by the other party acting on their own.
    • For example, a Joint Tenants purchase is usually done with married couples or parent and child and if one person dies the rights to the property are assigned to the other joint tenant.


  • Tenants in Common ~ the property in the names of two or more persons and in which each has a separate and distinct share as a percentage which can be equal or unequal in the same property. When one person dies his or her share is not passed to the survivor’s but becomes part of his or her estate for disposal according to his or her will. Meaning, as Tenants in Common the one that has passed away can leave his or her share in the property to anyone they like, this however requires a Will to be in place.
    • For example, a Tenants in common purchase are undertaken by investment purposes, as each investor has a share, each may be entitled to sell off their share as one would in owning shares in a company.
    • Each person has the right to Sell, Lease or Mortgage their share of the property without an agreement from the other shareholders, however if a lender has a Mortgage over the security the incoming shareholder would need to be a party to the loan or mortgage and show beneficial interest.

Should we Sign a Co-Ownership Agreement?

Securing your long term financial security is very important therefore we would recommend that you seek the right legal advice since each purchaser financial commitments are different and a well-designed co-ownership agreement or contract would set out the rights and responsibilities of each purchaser or owner.

What Happens if a Co-Purchaser Defaults on the Loan Payments?

When you buy a property together you become co-borrowers on the same mortgage, which means that each borrower is “jointly and severally liable” for the home loan. This means that if one person defaults on the home loan, the other person/s listed on the mortgage will be held responsible.

Outline of a Good Co-Ownership Agreement or Contract.

A good Co-Ownership contract should include the following;

  • An approved checklist of who can reside in the property and on what terms.
  • Identifying each individuals contribution as to share of responsibilities and deposits made.
  • Mortgage contributions and amounts made by each individual and obligation under the mortgage if a co-borrower fails to make his or her repayments.
  • A way to divide up the expenses on the property i.e. rates, insurance, etc.
  • Who will be responsible for the maintenance of the property.
  • A checklist on what needs to be done in an event of sale by one borrower or co-owner.
  • A dispute resolution clause in the event of a dispute amount co-owners.

Can I Still Get the First Home Buyers Grant if Buying in Joint Names?

When buying a property with someone else, you will still be able to receive the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) if all co-purchasers on the mortgage are eligible to receive the FHOG.  If one of the co-borrowers has owned a property prior then the other joint purchaser may not be eligible, therefore we suggest you seek legal advice or contact your local Office of State Revenue.

Read more about the eligibility requirements for the First Home Owner Grant.

Should you require further legal information we recommend to discuss these options with your solicitor or conveyancer.

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Buying in Joint Names ~ Neomoney

Buy In Joint Names or Tenants In Common